The strength of a great producer is all here. In the ground. In its clods, which make the vineyard unique. In the soil that nourishes its vines, perfect, the long and straightforward rows.
Scianello vineyard. Our most beautiful vineyard. Authentic identity of this territory. Four and a half hectares of vineyards, four different types of soil: Tufo, Clay, Galestro and Terra Rossa. The tuff gives complexity, the clay freshness and acidity, the galestro brings softness, the red earth gives the flavour. Vino Nobile di Montepulciano d.o.c.g. Vigna 'Scianello, all our passion. Unique and magical wine. Powerful and fascinating. And it is produced only in the best years.
Not only that... at La Ciarliana we are very attentive to respect for nature. The treatments in the vineyard are targeted and shrewd. The prevention of pathogens takes place with innovative and non-invasive methods. We practice sexual confusion and integrated pest management in the vineyard.
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